Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trader Joe's

So I'm not that much of a Trader Joe's loyalist but I know that some people truly are. I found this... I think it might be a blog but I'm not really sure.... online and it's all about tracking Trader Joe's products. A product that came up was a Habanero and Lime salsa. According to the author this salsa is only a medium on the heat level. I'm always a little wary when testing out new salsas. I tend to be a bit of a wimp when it comes to spicy foods. I enjoy some spice, I always go for a medium when I'm buying salsa, but whenever I'm trying out a new brand I'm cautious to go to far. According to the post there is a fruity, sweet taste to the salsa too, most likely from the lime. Apparently it's very good to add into quick chilis and mixed with eggs. I still don't understand the whole salsa/ketchup on eggs thing. One interesting thing he mentioned though was basting chicken with the salsa, now that sounds like it could be yummy.

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