Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Fruitcake Salsa!

Dr. Cohen sent me a link to a blogger who was discussing a recipe for kumquat salsa. The picture was very pretty. It made me want to try it. This recipe was very different however. If I saw it on it's own I would probably not classify it as a salsa. When I think salsa I typically think of a tomato base. This one used only kumquats, onions, and that magic food, CILANTRO! I don't think that I've ever actually tasted a kumquat. The post describes it as a citrus fruit similar to an orange but not much larger than a grape. Based on that description I would probably love them. But then we are back to my previous post about fruity salsas. I tend not to be a fan. I've only ever tried them though with a tortilla chip. The recipe mentions using it as a topper for fish and steaks. That seems interesting to me. I would never think to put salsa on fish. Perhaps it was just the saltiness of the chip in combination with the sweet fruit that I disliked. I may have to give fruity salsas another chance! If anyone is ambitious out there and has a few spare kumquats lying around why not whip up a tasty snack this weeked? This website also had a few other fruit based salsas listed. There was a kiwi salsa that included avocado and pomegrante seeds....hmmm i'm not sure what you would eat that with... A recipe for cranberry salsa was also listed. This one had cranberries, of course, along with apple and jalepenos. Where do these people come up with these things? If your curiosity has gotten the best of you take a peek at this:

1 comment:

Liz said...

I never knew that there were so many varieties of salsa. I don't really venture beyond Tostitos. It amazed me that there fruit salsa, I still can't believe it. I'm not sure how it would taste because when I think of salsa chips and Mexican food comes to mind. I actually went to a Mexican restaurant over the weekend and got to experience "real" salsa. I was confused at first because it was diced tomatoes and onions, nothing like the jar! Completely threw me for a loop.